Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It's Time to Play Catch Up

I have been a very very slack blogger lately...mostly because of my busy schedule and the fact that facebook stalking has been taking up quite a bit more time than usual. Just kidding. So let me catch everyone up on what has been going on in the Butler household as of late.

1. Chad finished his summer classes. Thank goodness. Because he was driving me crazy. HIS LAST YEAR as an unedjumicated non-college graduate begins tomorrow and I am singing the Hallelugiah chorus right about now. Only 9 more months until he is a bonafide teacher. It's like he's giving birth to his career. Funny.

2. We are still Crossfitting. And my toenail fell off. I know, I know, GROSS.

3. We went on family vacation to Lake Kewoee instead of Isle of Palms. I was super disappointed. But we did go white water rafting, something I've always wanted to do, and it lived up to my expectations. I also suffered a minor injury to my ankle. Shocker.

4. I have entered the world of direct sales. I still have my regular job, but I am now a consultant with Thirty-One gifts. I am not going to pitch my product to you (right this second), but if you want to visit my website it's I am hoping and praying that this venture will be a success. It has been so far and I am LOVING LOVING LOVING it!

5. It's almost fall...and I have begun purchasing some accessories to "fall-orize" my house, including a tablecloth from Target that I suspected would look exactly like the one already on my table before I even brought it home. It was confirmed when my husband laughed at me last night when I pulled it out to compare and contrast. It is being returned today.

So THAT, my friends, is what's up. More on my Thirty-One venture later.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Eclipsed By Skittles

Tuesday night was girl's night, which used to mean that my best friend, Chelle, and I would get all dolled up and hit downtown G'ville for drinks, dancing, and flirting. I have to say that we used to paint the town...those were the days!

Now, a usual girl's night involves catching a movie, which is exactly what we did. Eclipse to be exact. Both of us are Twilight fans from back before the movies came out and both of us think that the movies are a bit, well, ridiculous. Okay, a lot ridiculous. And neither of us is a fan of the actress who plays Bella and her 'tude and her silly facial expressions - looking constipated, in extreme pain, or manic depressive. Or all three. Which makes an unrealistic movie even more so because she has two guys fighting for her in the middle of teenage angst...and let me just say that Jacob or Edward would solve any NORMAL girl's teenage angst!!!

Even though it wasn't that great, Eclipse was far better than New Moon which I seriously almost walked out of, mainly because I had had three glasses of wine prior to the movie and was ready to go barhopping, not listen to a bunch of kiddos whine about the undead, love, and werewolves.

Honestly, the best thing about that experience (besides spending time with my BFF) was the huge box of Skittles I indulged in. I know, I know, calories, sugar, BLAH. They were absolutely delicious - even more delicious than Jacob's abs.

Wow, I am getting old.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goal Met, On To the Next!

We had a wonderful weekend at our house! It was a long weekend for me, as my work schedule is weird and I have every other Friday off - not that I'm complaining! Chad and I caught up on some more "True Blood" via Netflix, we had his daughter, C, with us Saturday and Sunday, and Chad and C had some Daddy/Daughter time and went on a movie date to see "Despicable Me." I napped. It was lovely.

I also reached a goal of mine that has been bugging me since we started Crossfit in May - getting on the bar to work on pull ups instead of using the rings on the ground, which make me feel very much like a special ed Crossfitter. Coming into Crossfit completely out of shape with very little (okay, none) athletic background and working out with some very competitive and in shape people has been a challenge. Like I've said, I have to modify everything. But nothing is worse than being the only one NOT on the bar during pull ups. It's driven me crazy from Day 1. Saturday I decided to try try again - doing a pull up with the bands on the bar.

And I can do it. Yes, it's with the help of the heaviest band (grey), but PEOPLE...I COULD NOT DO THAT IN MAY!!!! I was so thrilled, so elated...I felt so FREAKING proud of myself! I am one step closer to doing pull ups without ANY bands. And for someone who was never an athlete, that is huge.

This is the result of doing pull ups (even with gloves on):

That's dedication people.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Runaway

I came home from Crossfit last night feeling pretty good...I didn't have to go to the store to buy dinner 'cause it was already at home (not a usual occurrence with us), my work out was good, and I was having a fun conversation with my mom. Chad was at school and I was looking forward to an hour of me time, since my sweet husband had cleaned the house earlier! Side note: whoever said husbands were unhelpful obviously has not met mine. He's wonderfully helpful. And sweet. And perfect. Okay,  you can go throw up now.

I knew Jake and Lucy probably needed to go out, if Jake tap dancing by the door was any indication of their need to pee. I was still talking to my mom and decided to just take them out one at a time so I didn't have two leashes and an iPhone that seems to slip when my face is sweaty. I thought I had everything under control, but as I was about to lead Jake outside, my darling little Lucy decided to slip by me and escape.

Under normal circumstances, a runaway dog isn't a big deal - IF the dog responds to you calling them. Lucy decides to go all retarded when she gets loose and thinks it's a big 'ole game...which it very well could be if we didn't live fairly close to a road that people like to drive 4000 miles over the speed limit on.

I started freaking out, hung up on my mom, and ran out after her, leaving poor Jake inside, probably still tap dancing over his full bladder. Lucy is a Carolina Dog (google it) and she is VERY fast and can cover pretty long distances for her size because she moves like a fox. It had been awhile since her last big run, so she was booking it. Luckily, she wasn't booking it towards the road.

After about 15 minutes of screaming, catching her once and then (stupidly) thinking she would follow me back home (she didn't), my neighbor came out with her weenie dog, Sugar, whose incessant barking prompted Lucy to come back wondering WHAT was making that sound. I caught her and carried her a$$ back home. I dumped her inside and she hit the water bowl, tongue lolling. She seemed to be grinning quite smugly at me.

The runaway came home, but I think she wishes she was still running.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to Real Life

Chad and I spent the weekend far far away from our troubles and our worries and settled in among the affluent society that has yet to be touched by the recession, evidently, if the numerous Lexus, Mercedes, Range Rovers, and Jags were a clue. We spent the weekend in Highlands, NC at the Old Edwards Inn & Spa, a fantastic little place nestled way way up in the mountains - so way up, in fact, that I almost puked several times with all the turning and climbing.

It was my step-grandmother's birthday and she invited the entire family up for 4 days of bliss. Chad and I lounged, shopped, ate gourmet food (including the incredible cookies left in our room to welcome us), had a spa treatment, and swam in the mineral pool. We were pampered, catered to, and left feeling refreshed and dreading coming back to the real world.

Croquet Lawn at Old Edwards Inn

Then we came home and were greeted by our dogs, who we had to leave behind while we vacationed. Even though they were well taken care of by a good friend (thanks Jared!), we missed them so much! No spa treatment in the world could be better than a good licking from Jake and Lucy. And no hotel could feel as homey to me as our little house in the country. We settled back in over pizza last night.

Everyone needs a little getaway, but coming home feels so good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drill Baby Drill

Chad and I had a wonderful, WONDERFUL July 4th weekend. Both of us were off work/out of school on Friday and Monday, so we had 4 wonderful days of freedom, which we spent at the lake with my dad, step-mom, sister and a few family friends.

It was much needed. And absolutely perfect, except...I got hurt...AGAIN.

On Friday morning, we went to Crossfit so I could get my 3rd time in for the week. I made it through the WOD with no issues, but when we got to the cool down that involved a sledge hammer and oversized tire, disaster struck. I missed the tire and connected with my left big toe. Lovely. I spent most of Friday limping around and complaining. My sweet husband was dealing with an ear infection himself, but he was very symathetic to my clumsy self.

After two days of hobbling around Lake Hartwell on said bad toe, I finally took the advice of a family friend that was there and Chad performed surgery on me...he hand "drilled" a hole in the nail of my toe to relieve the pressure. Yes, I just went there. I will spare you the gory details (honestly, it wasn't that bad), but the mini operation worked and, despite having a small hole in my toenail and a little tenderness, I am good to go and hopefully will be back to Crossfit tonight or tomorrow. And on a side note...any man who will love enough to operate on your big toe is GOOD MAN!

Our dogs were with us for the weekend, too, as well as Tucker, my sister's puppy who now weighs in at 60 pounds. Yesterday was "dog day" and we took them out on a boat ride to a beach near our house for a bit of play in the lake water. They loved it and Jake and Lucy slept all the way home and all last night. I think they would definitely live at the lake if they could.

Fourth of July was fantastic and here's to a week with NO INJURIES! :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

I did a bad, bad thing today. I had to run to Target at lunch to pick up a birthday present for my dad, plus cards, gift bags, etc. But of course I got sucked in to the clothing department...oh Target, how you distract me from my actual purpose in your store! I decided to see if they had any cute bathing suit tops that I could pair with a bottom I already have. And then I saw a one piece that I decided to try on.

Okay, wow...obviously I forgot that you either have to buy the bathing suit at the store so you can try it on in the privacy of your own home, OR you can go into the changing room, under horrid lighting, and risk it. I risked it. And it was not a pretty sight.

Long gone are the days when I would head to the mall with my friends to find the perfect swim suit, walking out (willingly) to model whatever bikini I found and moaning and complaining about how imperfect my twenty year old body was.

Cue Cher: "If I could turn back time..."

Fast forward seven summers oh my how things have changed. I went from having the metabolism of said twenty year old to gaining five pounds every time I looked at a carb. I went from my mom wondering if I had an eating disorder because I was too thin to people not recognizing me because I was too big (that's kind of an exaggeration, but you know). I went from never exercising and eating McDonalds several times a week to three times a week torture at Crossfit, eating Paleo-riffic, and just saying no to all white foods and sugar in my Starbucks.

Unfortunately, I can't blame my troubles away on a pregnancy because, duh, I don't have kids. I have to blame them on ME. Me being irresponsible with my health and me not noticing the signs until it was too late and then wondering when the body snatchers came and replaced my svelte figure with what it is now.

I will never look the same as I did when I was twenty years old. I have stretch marks. My body composition is different. I will eventually have a baby which will throw everything out of whack - again. But this twenty-seven year old body can do things its never done before. It can dead lift 220 pounds. It can hang onto a plank position (even if it's ugly) to complete an exercise. It's on its way to being able to do a pull up.

So body snatchers? Thanks. You may think you have ruined me, but just wait. I'll be back better, faster, and stronger than before. Holla.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I am not known for my gracefulness. Or my coordination. Or my ability to walk in high heels without stumbling (just a side note on that: I used to be VERY good at walking in high heels...when I wore them often. Now that ballet flats are back in vogue, I am content to be comfortable. Or wear my Rainbows.). I'm not quite sure how I made cheerleader in 7th & 8th grades...perhaps the judges felt sorry for me? I'm still somewhat suspicious that my mom paid them off believing that some paid off judges would be cheaper than the therapy she would have to send me to if I didn't make the squad.

I am the girl that knocks her head getting into a car, has random bruises that looks like I live with an abusive husband, twists her ankle walking down the stairs, and, as of last night, somehow bruises the knuckle of her thumb while doing 30 snatches. Don't worry, I finished the exercise despite the fact that I was pretty sure my thumb contained a cracked bone. Because I'm committed.

When Chad questioned how I injured myself, I had three words for him: "I don't know." Because I really DON'T HAVE A CLUE. I remember feeling my thumb hit the weight and thinking, oh wow, that hurt. But I don't remember how it happened or why my thumb was outside the region of where it was supposed to be to complete a snatch. Truly this injury defies logic. Almost as much as me being in my 8th week of Crossfit.

And also, can I please just mention that thumbs are very underrated until you have kind of lost the use of one? So here's to you, thumbs. Hopefully my lefty thumb will get better and my righty thumb will stay well and good. Because if not, I'm up a creek.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A Day In the "Olden Days"

Yesterday was positively blissful for me. Chad was working on finishing up some projects for his summer classes and I had the day to myself...the WHOLE. FREAKING. DAY. The house was relatively clean and the temperature outside was too dang hot to do anything outdoorsy (plus we spent all day Saturday at my MIL's pool), so on the way back from getting a coffee, I decided to spend the day on the couch, watching a movie - and not just any old movie...the sequel to Anne of Green Gables. All 4 hours of it. And the sequel to THAT, which is really not as good, but I feel like I'm not a "kindred spirit" unless I say that I like the movie that is supposedly the "continuation" of Anne's story, but really feels like Anne, Diana, and Gilbert are just trying to revitalize their careers and wind up looking super old in the process. Megan Follows (Anne for all you non-fans) also seems to have some sort of acne going on...maybe she is working on being the next Pro-Active spokeswoman? I digress.

Anne of Green Gables & Anne of Avonlea were the cornerstones of my childhood. For whatever reason, my mema, having a sixth sense of what her only granddaughter would love, purchased them sometime in the late '80's and I literally watched them to death, over and over, until I had the lines memorized and had developed a serious crush on Gilbert Blythe. I also wanted to dye my hair red and change the spelling of my middle name from A-n-n to A-n-n-e. My mom said no.

I related so much to Anne. Like her, I was too smart alecky and had a quick temper. I also tended to be somewhat clumsy, a little too quick to act, and was a romantic to the core, even at such a young age. I, too, wanted to be a writer so much I couldn't stand it. Needless to say, Anne's story became my own...I would watch certain scenes and then go outside and pick blackberries, wishing I lived on Prince Edward Island and had my own Gilbert.

Watching her story now, I realize that my take on the whole Anne saga has changed a little...maybe because I understand that what was a story about a little orphan girl is really the saga of a young woman bucking traditions to make her own way, touching lives and finding herself in the process.

I still repeated movie lines, much to Chad's amusement. Thankfully, he puts up with my romantic notions and the fact that I love made for TV dramas from 80's. Bless his heart. Even though he would never admit it, I think he secretly likes the Anne movies.

I guess I found my Gilbert after all.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don't Let The Overhead Squats Get You Down

Last night was my worst night at Crossfit. It was hot. It was humid. I was in a seriously bad mood. It's been quite a week for the Butler's. We have run into some financial issues, Chad is overloaded with school stuff, and my company has won a contract that could potentially ruin my vacation plans for the summer. Needless to say, there have been some tears shed this week!

So last night, we get to Crossfit early. And I see running going on. I hate running. And did I mention that you could literally drown in the heat and humidity? I tried to push it out of my mind and focus on good things...not that there seemed to be many good things, but I was trying. I decided that I wanted to try and do a pull up with the bands, something that has been one of my goals since I started Crossfit. When we do pull ups now, I have to do it with rings - leaning all the way back and pulling myself up. I feel like the special ed Crossfitter doing that. I want to do what everyone else is doing. So Chad sets up the bands and I put my foot in and try to kip myself up to the bar and yeah...wasn't happening. I tried again and it didn't happen again. Disappointment.

So we start warming up, a group warm up which involved using the bands to do an overhead was weird, but if my trainer says it's helpful, I go with it. Note to self: do not let bands go because they will hit you, make loud noises and welps, and pretty much embarrass you to death. It happened, yes. Awesome.

On to the workout...did I mention that overhead squats are hard? Because they are. I loaded up my bar with two tens and was ready to go. I squatted and promptly fell over. Took the tens off and used the bar...fell again. Nice. Did I mention that I was a special ed Crossfitter?

End of the story...I didn't finish the work out. I stopped at 3 rounds. And then I cried all the way home because I didn't finish. It was failure in it's purest form - all because I was in a negative frame of mind and was mad because I wasn't able to do everything EXACTLY like everyone else. Instead of doing what I could do, I gave up and exchanged that fantastic feeling finishing gives you for tears on the way home.

My husband said (as we were pulled over on an on-ramp because I was freaking him out by crying), "You should be proud of what you CAN do. There's no way you would've been able to do what you did today when we first started. It takes patience." My oh my...patience. The Bible talks about it. Guns 'N Roses sang about it. And I so don't have it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This past weekend, I traveled with my best friend, Chelle, to Columbia to celebrate a mutual friend's engagement. Despite the god awful heat that Cola is known for (I refer to it as the "arm pit of the South") and the fact that we were in Gamecock territory, we had a wonderful time. There is nothing sweeter than watching a friend in love and happy. The party was beautiful, on a rooftop bar overlooking the stadium and thankfully I was saved by heat stroke by large amounts of Pinot. Just call me Ramona Singer (if you don't watch "Real Housewives" you aren't going to get that joke).

Kel & Amanda
(the end of the night...that should explain my weird bang issues)

I love that summer is a time for celebrations...birthdays, holidays weddings/engagements/showers/babies. Summer is a time to put on your best sundress and flip flops and dance to beach music until dawn.

If you can stand the heat. And if you have Pinot.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Make It Through Hump Day...

Today has been one of those REALLY slow days that just drag on by. I can see the sun shining outside and while my body is in front of of a computer screen being productive, my heart is outside by a pretty swimming pool, getting some sun and finishing up The Passage (a really good book, by the way - out of the realm of what I normally read, but I would recommend it). It is on days like this that I wish my career included a summer vacation! There is just nothing worse than watching the summer roll by while you're indoors. Summer was made for being outside!!!

I know that in a few hours, I will be saying the opposite...that summer is made for A/C. Chad and I Crossfit tonight and, because we basically work out in a glorified shed that most definitely does not have air condtioning, we will sweating to death at our 7 pm class.

Yes, we are still Crossfitting. I am so proud to be able to say that! It has become a semi-addiction for us both...and while I am still in the same size, I am noticing some subtle changes to my body. My arms and legs are becoming more toned, which is GREAT. Yes, I want to be slim again, but it took longer than 6 weeks to gain all this weight (it sure didn't feel like it, but it did), and it will take longer than 6 weeks to get it off. But it will happen.

Chad is already getting his muscle's amazing. The whole "muscle memory" thing is so true. We have also been eating Paleo (or sticking to it as close as we can) and trying our best not to cheat. We still have our moments though - I have lattes (fat/sugar free) and the occasional piece of chocolate. I also had a small affair with a piece of sourdough bread from Atlanta Bread Co. But the daily gorging of carbs? It doesn't happen anymore. No more cereal, no more bread with dinner, no more spaghetti noodles, no more starchy beans and corn. Instead, we have our veggies and lean protein, eat salads and fruit, and of course many, many egg whites. We both went a little nuts over my ice cream birthday cake from Bruster's over the weekend, but good grief,  you have to LIVE!

Here's hoping your hump day flies by quickly!

Monday, June 14, 2010

And Now I Am 27

I turned another year older on my trip to Texas last week, June 9 to be exact. I am now 27 years of age...still in twenties, but cutting it close, my friends. Turning 27 hasn't been a traumatic experience; on the contrary, it's been pretty freakin' fun! My darling Chad met me at the airport on my birthday night (actually, it was the wee hours of the morning on June 10th, but no need to get technical), brought me home to a fantastic b-day present (Switchflops, I am so in love), sweet card, and CHEESECAKE! He helped me blow out the candles on another year, something he has been doing for a while now.

We had a fun cook out this past Saturday night, too, with our family and friends. It was a lovely way to start a new birthday year. People came and brought presents, cards, and well wishes...which is what I love the most (the well wishes). I am very blessed, indeed, to have people in my life who care whether or not I have a good birthday. Many people don't have that luxury. So thank you, family and friends!

So what has happened over the past year for Chad and I? Let's recap:

We welcomed our first nephew into the world, we redecorated our house, celebrated holidays, went to the beach and lake, went on the Polar Express for Christmas, Chad started at USC Upstate (which meant the end is near for his Bachelor's), we started Crossfit, and we celebrated our first wedding anniversary. 26 was quite an eventful year!

I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens at age 27!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Up In The Air

So here I am, at the airport terminal, waiting for my flight to board. I hate flying. I hate everything about. But I am waiting to walk step by step to board the plane. Here you go, Mr. Pilot and is control over my destiny, my destination, my freakin' LIFE. I know I don't know you, but supposedly you're alcohol/drug free, up to safety standards, and know what that little button on the left does. Hopefully you can land this bird, no prob. But just a little reminder from little 'ole me: I have a family here. I have two dogs. I have a husband who I hugged so tight this morning I may have dislocated a rib. So if you could PLEASE just return me to where I started, I would be most grateful.

Yes, y'all, my fear is really that bad. I'm okay now: I have some magic pills that make the anxiety disappate. I've been on airplanes since I was five years old. I have flown to Hawaii and back (not a short trip for those who are geographically challenged). Why, in the past few years, has flying become such a personal fear for me? I mean, I literally spent my WEDDING NIGHT laying in bed eating mac 'n cheese from the reception with no thought of consummating my marriage because my new husband and I were flying to Mexico the next day. The thought of boarding the plane had me convinced it would be my last night on earth and I needed to compensate with cheese, dang it! I'm surprised I didn't board that plane to Mexico by myself!

So I am back in this circle of fear. Scared, but also looking at myself and going, you wuss. You can dead lift 220 lbs, almost do a for real push up, and can eat spaghetti squash like a fiend. You're scared of transportation that is safer than riding in a car and train? Get over it.

And maybe I will when I'm safely on the ground again.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday Night Drive

It was a beautiful night last night...and I was able to capture the mountains on our way to the farm...I just thought it was such a beautiful sight that I made Chad turn around so I could get a picture of it. Not a very good one, but hey, I was in a truck going down the road!

The farm has a very long driveway and I was being all sentimental to Chad, talking about how the "mist was rising off the grass" and how mysterious and beautiful it all looked. He said, "Um...I think that's just steam." It had just rained. So much for poetic words.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Paleo Meatloaf...Results

First off, I need to preface this by saying that I've never been a huge fan of meatloaf. It wasn't a dinnertime staple at our house and the only meatloaf I've ever really liked was my step-mother's and I've only had it maybe twice.

So here goes:

Paleo Meatloaf recipe from Everyday Paleo:

1 diced red onion
2 lbs grass fed ground beef (we used regular ground beef 93/7 ratio)
1 cup almond meal
2 eggs
1 can tomato paste (sugar free/organic)
1 tbsp crushed garlic
1/2 tbsp sea salt
2 tbsp dried basil
1 tsp marjoram
cracked black pepper to taste (we used regular ground pepper)

Mix all ingredients by hand in a large mixing bowl. Place meat mixture into a large glass baking pan and form into a loaf. Bake at 350 degress for 1 hour or until meat is no longer pink in the middle.

Paleo Ketchup from our Crossfit nutritional website, Feed the Beast:

1 small can of plain, sugar free tomato sauce
1 small can tomato paste
2 tsp vinegar (we used apple cider vinegar)
3/4 tsp garlic powder
pinch of ground cloves
1/4 tsp allspice

Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool and transfer to container and then into fridge.

Chad and I did not put the ketchup directly on the meatloaf, but rather used it as a dipping sauce after the meatloaf was cooked.

The result? It wasn't half bad. The almond flour (yeah, I had never heard of it either) provided a new texture/taste - kind of nutty - but the loaf itself held together just like normal meatloaf and had the same consistency. I think that we may use a little less than a whole cup of almond flour next time - it was a bit on the dry side...which is where Paleo ketchup came in! NO it's not Heinz. Let me just put that out there. Regular ketchup is full of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc...mainly precious, lovely things that we can't eat on our Paleo diet. But Paleo ketchup is okay...I may use a tiny bit less vinegar next time, or research a lighter, sweeter vinegar - apple cider vinegar has a bite to it. (PS, I tried drinking the stuff mixed with water a while back because I heard that it would aid in weightloss - oh my dear Lord, don't do it!). We didn't add vegetables with the meal - I was going to do asparagus, but we just didn't - but the meatloaf filled us up...I only had one medium slice and I was done.

Chad also fixed a great, simple dessert - mashed bananas mixed with vanilla extract, frozen. It was GREAT! He's such a trooper...I know deep down he wants a bacon cheeseburger and half and half from Pete's.

Tonight's menu:
Steak stirfry...should be pretty simple, but we'll see...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oh, Paleo!

When we started Crossfit almost 4 weeks ago (yup, I said FOUR), we knew that in addition to working our butts off, we were going to seriously have to change our eating patterns. Both Chad and I hate to make decisions, are pretty much lazy when it comes to food, and are HUGE fans of starches dipped in hot oil - or french fries to the layman. Actually, we're fans of starches in any shape or form - bread, cereal, oatmeal...if it's a processed grain or has copious amounts of sugar, consider us ready to eat!

Our instructor told us that the Crossfit stance on nutrition was the Zone diet, made famous by Jen Aniston and her incredibly buff arms. The Zone diet is semi-complex, based on portion size, and pretty much irritating until you get it down pat. The instructor also told us about a group challenge that was underway - the Paleo challenge. Meaning Paleolithic. Or the "caveman diet." After Chad and I laughed about it, we both started doing a little research on it and even bought a book about it. And to tell you the truth, it's pretty interesting.

Unlike the Zone, where portions are key, the Paleo diet is all about the quality of the foods you eat - namely no grains, no sugars, etc. It's all based on what Paleolithic man ate - namely lean meats, fish, wild game, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. Which is great because both Chad and I are avid carnivores and both love fruits and vegetables.

Last week, we ate Paleo Monday thru Friday. I did drink lattes everyday (non-fat milk, no sugar syrup) which is a no-no, but for goodness sakes, what's a Starbucks fiend to do??? Memorial Day weekend, we cheated. Badly. Both of us.

And I paid for it yesterday during my workout - and I'm sure Chad will when he has his WOD today.

BUT we are back on Paleo. Last night we had spaghetti Paleo style - the noodles being from a spaghetti squash heated in the microwave and the sauce being made with lean ground beef, drained, fresh bell pepper & onion, and organic sauce with ZERO sugar. It's delicious, even though both Chad and I miss "real" spaghetti noodles.

Tonight is Paleo meatloaf. I don't want to put the recipe on here, in case it's horrible, but it does use some new ingredients that I've never tried before - namely almond flour, which is almonds chopped into powder form instead of using white or wheat flour. We'll be having meatloaf with asparagus sauteed in EVOO.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

I am not an outdoorsy/able to "rought it" kind of girl, much to my husband's dismay. He likes to camp, I like to go to spas for hours being pampered. He is happy sleeping on a rock, I will not lay upon anything less than 400 TC sheets. He can go days without bathing, I need my special shampoo, special soap, special conditioner, special face wash...

You get the picture.

Which is why this weekend was the best of both worlds and in my opinion, I roughed it. We headed down to my dad's family's lake house this weekend for a nice 3 day adventure with my dad, step-mom, and 4 year old sister. And their new puppy who is gigantic, Tucker. And our two dogs, one of which is semi-gigantic himself.

It was our first weekend of the summer back in the house, so there was the usual stuff to deal with...getting the boats in the water, cleaning up squirrel mess (yuck), watching for scary insects that may have moved in over the winter. To be honest, the first weekend back is a little stressful because of all those things, plus three dogs and a 4 year old running around.

After our first night, when all of us were kept up by the unrelenting heat of a house coming out of hibernation, we finally figured out that there was something wrong with the AC. And by something wrong, I mean, it wasn't working. AT ALL. And it was very, very hot. And humid. And did I mention hot? Instead of packing it up and heading back to spend Memorial Day weekend in the coolness of our hacienda, we toughed it out. Thankfully the weather cooperated somewhat on our mission to cool down the house by monsooning 90% of the weekend. Not weather conducive to all day fun on the lake, but hey, we were able to stop sweating so profusely while we hung out inside.

And that is how I roughed it on Memorial Day weekend. Not exactly sleeping on a rock, but for me, it was close enough. SC summer with no heat? That is beyond roughing it!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Today was a pretty big day in the life of my step-daughter, C. She graduated from 4th grade today and will be leaving elementary school life behind forever. I met C when she was 6 years old - almost 7 to be exact. I remember the day I met her perfectly, one because I was madly in love with her dad and two because she and her cousin, T, were the cutest little girls I had ever seen (besides my sister, G, of course). I met them right at Halloween and remember Chad coming to the door holding the hands of these two itty bitty girls dressed to the nines. I remember that they were amazed by all the Halloween decorations my parents had up in the house and especially liked/were terrified of the animated zombie that laughed.

They were on their best behavior because I was a stranger - I would see the true little girls as Chad and I began dating, getting engaged, and eventually getting married. They were sometimes so cute it was ridiculous and sometimes so aggravating that I wanted to scream.

I remember when C was learning to read and write - now she reads constantly and has a beautiful cursive script. I remember taking her to the lake house for the first time and letting her intertube and how much she loved it. I remember the day I became her step-mother and how grown up she looked as my junior bridesmaid.

Even though C is a great kid, it hasn't been easy learning to step-parent - not because of her, but because it's just freakin' HARD (as any step-parent who is honest will tell you)! There are times that the two of us don't get along. And then there are times, like today, when the world stops for a minute and I realize just how precious she is and how fast she's growing up. She sat with me when the 4th grade had their Powerpoint presentation of pictures of the year set to music - one song in particular was "My Wish" - a song that I normally find cheesier than cheesy, but today it brought tears to my eyes. Time goes by so quickly and kids grow up so fast. One minute they are tiny 6 year olds holding your hand at church. The next, they are 10 and going to intermediate school in the fall.

I'm very very proud of C and all of her accomplishments this year. She is well-liked by all her classmates and teachers. She's smart, indepenent, and can be quite sassy when she has the mind to be. She's also sweet as pie. And cute as a button!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Miles to Go

After my fun lunch with Chelle yesterday, I got an email from her, letting me know the EXACT day that sign ups for the half marathon on Kiawah Island would take place. For your information, it is August 1, and, according to Chelle, Chad and I will be joining the group this year.

Because we're Crossfitters now, and all.

A half marathon seems like a GREAT idea in theory...pushing yourself to the limit, crossing the finish line, getting a free t-shirt. All well and good. So I was feeling okay about the fact that I had many months to train and get myself into tip top shape before gracing the half marathon with my newly athletic self.

Cut to 6:45 pm last night...we arrive at Crossfit and look at the work out of the day (WOD):

Run 1 mile
Row 2000 m (about 1.25 miles)
Run 1 mile
For time

In case your math is struggling, that's 3 miles total. And my stomach dropped. Because the truth was about to come out: I hate running and I've never run one mile in my life. Not even in elementary school when you have all that bottled up energy plus the bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the morning. I just could not do it. And I would always come in last place.

I have made several attempts recently to become a runner. I love the idea of running. I love the benefits that running gives. But the actual act of running? Not so much.

I was negative throughout my warm up last night and kept saying "can't" - which is something that is pretty blasphemous at Crossfit. Chad got kind of ticked off at me - him being a former Marine and all - because "can't" was not part of his vocabulary. And I really have made progress since starting Crossfit.

Long story short, I did the first mile - running/walking. More walking, to be honest. I did the 2000 m row. And then I stopped because the trainer said I could. I did those two things in 28 minutes and I was so embarassed because I knew deep down that my body could keep going, but I let "can't" get in the way.

My sweet husband finished the two miles and the row in less than 30 minutes. I was so proud of him. He's such a trooper and such an athlete. I can't wait to see how much he progresses. He will excel because that's just how he is.

So there are 13 miles looming months away in December. But there is a Mile Road in my face right now. One goal at a time, one mile at a time. I'm done saying I can't.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friend Lunch

Usually, I spend my lunches running errands or just trying to chill out and make it through the rest of the work day. I am, afterall, a working girl, and time is of the essence since there is never enough hours to get everything done. Lunches with friends are rare and far between.

Today was an exception, thanks to an invite from my friend, Chelle. We got to spend some quality time together, laughing and gossiping (what girls do) over large salads as I salivated over Chelle's cream of broccoli soup...which I can't have right now. :( Conversation made up for what my plate could not fill and I left the restaurant feeling happier than I normally do and better prepared to take on the rest of my day.

Today's lunch was just another example of how important friends are. Unfortunately, I think that sometimes relationships with your friends can take a third row seat after you either get into a serious relationship or get married. Yes, marriage should be priority number one. It is our priority number one - putting each other first (well, behind God of course, but you get the jist). But friends are not too far behind because guess what? Life happens. Things fall apart, people fall apart, lives fall apart. And having a nourished friendship that you know is strong and true is sometimes the only thing that is left in the rubble.

My friendships have changed over the years. Some have been snuffed out, some have been rekindled, some are in the process of growing and maturing. It is a beautiful thing, these people we call our friends. They have seen us at our worst, laughed us off the ledge, and been by our side during the best of times. They are mandatory.

We love our friends!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Hour

A couple of weeks ago, Chad and I were invited to join some friends for dinner. Our hostess with the mostess, Sam, is an incredible cook (like gourmet) and she always has something tasty up her sleeve - this night was no exception. In between chips with fresh guacamole dip (this was pre-Paleo diet), we drank the most incredible adult lemonade known to man. And it had GIN in it.

Okay, I hate gin and have since I tried to be really cool as a freshman at College of Charleston and drink a gin martini made by a cougar who lived in the apartment adjacent to some friends who lived in a converted mansion on Meeting. Little did I know I would be consuming a Christmas tree in a pretty glass. Needless to say, that drink went over the portico railing ASAP. I haven't touched gin since.

But this gin lemonade...oh my word. And, because she's Sam, she even had fresh lemon slices floating in the pitcher. I fell head over heels and haven't stopped thinking about this drink since. So she gave me the recipe today and I plan on making a big 'ole batch of it to enjoy over the Memorial Day weekend as I lounge on the boat. I doubt my batch will be as fantastic as hers, but I'm going to give it a try.

It will be a happy hour(s) indeed. :)

Monday, May 24, 2010


This weekend was a busy one and I may not have survived had I not had Friday off work. I napped on and off all day...something that I LOVE doing, especially if the weather is dreary, which it was. I caught up on my reading (finished Cataloochee by Wayne Caldwell - it's a good one), got a spray tan, and basically hung out with my husband in between snatches of sleep.

Saturday was a Crossfit class at 8am and then to pick up Chad's daughter, C, who is 10 and who visits us every other weekend. After a stop by my SIL's house to see my brand new nephew, B, we went home to get ready for my cousin's wedding in Townville, SC.

I do love weddings and, since it was a family wedding, I got to see my cousins who I don't get to see very often. It was good to catch up with them and all be together as a family. The sun was shining and it was hot and after the wedding, we headed down to the Lake Hartwell house to see how kind or unkind winter had been to our family's lake home this past year. Good news - the squirrels, who evidently live in the attic, did not ransack the place (completely), there was nothing scary to be found inside, and the water levels are up after years of drought, so it will be a fantastic summer on the lake! Starting this coming weekend, in fact, with Memorial Day and the beginning of Summer 2010.

We came home and rented a movie for C on Saturday night and ate McDonald's (so bad, yeah I know, but she's 10 and that's what she wanted - who are we to argue?) and I was in bed with my latest 'nook purchase (Back to Wando Passo) by 10. Perfection.

Sunday was spent with Chad's side of the family at my SIL & BIL's house, playing with baby B and letting C and her cousin, T, play together all day. Chad and I stopped by a local produce stand on the way home and got our first bunch of peaches, the first of the season.

And I got my first taste of summer last night when I bit into that peach. And it was good. It just doesn't feel like summer until the first peaches have been eaten and you've gotten all sticky from it.

All is right with the world.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's a Thursday and the only true redeeming factor of my day was getting to eat lunch with Chad and knowing that today is my last day of the work week - tomorrow is AN OFF DAY!

My body hurts from Crossfit last night, as does my husband's - those wall balls and box jumps will kick your butt! We have been able to join a local Crossfit affiliate, thanks to a certain benefactor who will remain nameless, and both of us are looking forward to reaping the benefits of hard work. We fell into the whole, "get married, get fat" stereotype and are paying for it by being overweight and generally disgusted with ourselves. Both of us feel that the answer lies at Crossfit and somewhere between the sweating and soreness, we are on our way to getting back to the skinny people we really are.

So who are we you are probably asking yourself if you are reading this and not one of our parents...well, we are a pretty normal and boring couple, to be honest, but from time to time, we may have funny stories to tell. Hope you'll come back to hear them.