Friday, July 23, 2010

Eclipsed By Skittles

Tuesday night was girl's night, which used to mean that my best friend, Chelle, and I would get all dolled up and hit downtown G'ville for drinks, dancing, and flirting. I have to say that we used to paint the town...those were the days!

Now, a usual girl's night involves catching a movie, which is exactly what we did. Eclipse to be exact. Both of us are Twilight fans from back before the movies came out and both of us think that the movies are a bit, well, ridiculous. Okay, a lot ridiculous. And neither of us is a fan of the actress who plays Bella and her 'tude and her silly facial expressions - looking constipated, in extreme pain, or manic depressive. Or all three. Which makes an unrealistic movie even more so because she has two guys fighting for her in the middle of teenage angst...and let me just say that Jacob or Edward would solve any NORMAL girl's teenage angst!!!

Even though it wasn't that great, Eclipse was far better than New Moon which I seriously almost walked out of, mainly because I had had three glasses of wine prior to the movie and was ready to go barhopping, not listen to a bunch of kiddos whine about the undead, love, and werewolves.

Honestly, the best thing about that experience (besides spending time with my BFF) was the huge box of Skittles I indulged in. I know, I know, calories, sugar, BLAH. They were absolutely delicious - even more delicious than Jacob's abs.

Wow, I am getting old.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Goal Met, On To the Next!

We had a wonderful weekend at our house! It was a long weekend for me, as my work schedule is weird and I have every other Friday off - not that I'm complaining! Chad and I caught up on some more "True Blood" via Netflix, we had his daughter, C, with us Saturday and Sunday, and Chad and C had some Daddy/Daughter time and went on a movie date to see "Despicable Me." I napped. It was lovely.

I also reached a goal of mine that has been bugging me since we started Crossfit in May - getting on the bar to work on pull ups instead of using the rings on the ground, which make me feel very much like a special ed Crossfitter. Coming into Crossfit completely out of shape with very little (okay, none) athletic background and working out with some very competitive and in shape people has been a challenge. Like I've said, I have to modify everything. But nothing is worse than being the only one NOT on the bar during pull ups. It's driven me crazy from Day 1. Saturday I decided to try try again - doing a pull up with the bands on the bar.

And I can do it. Yes, it's with the help of the heaviest band (grey), but PEOPLE...I COULD NOT DO THAT IN MAY!!!! I was so thrilled, so elated...I felt so FREAKING proud of myself! I am one step closer to doing pull ups without ANY bands. And for someone who was never an athlete, that is huge.

This is the result of doing pull ups (even with gloves on):

That's dedication people.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Runaway

I came home from Crossfit last night feeling pretty good...I didn't have to go to the store to buy dinner 'cause it was already at home (not a usual occurrence with us), my work out was good, and I was having a fun conversation with my mom. Chad was at school and I was looking forward to an hour of me time, since my sweet husband had cleaned the house earlier! Side note: whoever said husbands were unhelpful obviously has not met mine. He's wonderfully helpful. And sweet. And perfect. Okay,  you can go throw up now.

I knew Jake and Lucy probably needed to go out, if Jake tap dancing by the door was any indication of their need to pee. I was still talking to my mom and decided to just take them out one at a time so I didn't have two leashes and an iPhone that seems to slip when my face is sweaty. I thought I had everything under control, but as I was about to lead Jake outside, my darling little Lucy decided to slip by me and escape.

Under normal circumstances, a runaway dog isn't a big deal - IF the dog responds to you calling them. Lucy decides to go all retarded when she gets loose and thinks it's a big 'ole game...which it very well could be if we didn't live fairly close to a road that people like to drive 4000 miles over the speed limit on.

I started freaking out, hung up on my mom, and ran out after her, leaving poor Jake inside, probably still tap dancing over his full bladder. Lucy is a Carolina Dog (google it) and she is VERY fast and can cover pretty long distances for her size because she moves like a fox. It had been awhile since her last big run, so she was booking it. Luckily, she wasn't booking it towards the road.

After about 15 minutes of screaming, catching her once and then (stupidly) thinking she would follow me back home (she didn't), my neighbor came out with her weenie dog, Sugar, whose incessant barking prompted Lucy to come back wondering WHAT was making that sound. I caught her and carried her a$$ back home. I dumped her inside and she hit the water bowl, tongue lolling. She seemed to be grinning quite smugly at me.

The runaway came home, but I think she wishes she was still running.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to Real Life

Chad and I spent the weekend far far away from our troubles and our worries and settled in among the affluent society that has yet to be touched by the recession, evidently, if the numerous Lexus, Mercedes, Range Rovers, and Jags were a clue. We spent the weekend in Highlands, NC at the Old Edwards Inn & Spa, a fantastic little place nestled way way up in the mountains - so way up, in fact, that I almost puked several times with all the turning and climbing.

It was my step-grandmother's birthday and she invited the entire family up for 4 days of bliss. Chad and I lounged, shopped, ate gourmet food (including the incredible cookies left in our room to welcome us), had a spa treatment, and swam in the mineral pool. We were pampered, catered to, and left feeling refreshed and dreading coming back to the real world.

Croquet Lawn at Old Edwards Inn

Then we came home and were greeted by our dogs, who we had to leave behind while we vacationed. Even though they were well taken care of by a good friend (thanks Jared!), we missed them so much! No spa treatment in the world could be better than a good licking from Jake and Lucy. And no hotel could feel as homey to me as our little house in the country. We settled back in over pizza last night.

Everyone needs a little getaway, but coming home feels so good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Drill Baby Drill

Chad and I had a wonderful, WONDERFUL July 4th weekend. Both of us were off work/out of school on Friday and Monday, so we had 4 wonderful days of freedom, which we spent at the lake with my dad, step-mom, sister and a few family friends.

It was much needed. And absolutely perfect, except...I got hurt...AGAIN.

On Friday morning, we went to Crossfit so I could get my 3rd time in for the week. I made it through the WOD with no issues, but when we got to the cool down that involved a sledge hammer and oversized tire, disaster struck. I missed the tire and connected with my left big toe. Lovely. I spent most of Friday limping around and complaining. My sweet husband was dealing with an ear infection himself, but he was very symathetic to my clumsy self.

After two days of hobbling around Lake Hartwell on said bad toe, I finally took the advice of a family friend that was there and Chad performed surgery on me...he hand "drilled" a hole in the nail of my toe to relieve the pressure. Yes, I just went there. I will spare you the gory details (honestly, it wasn't that bad), but the mini operation worked and, despite having a small hole in my toenail and a little tenderness, I am good to go and hopefully will be back to Crossfit tonight or tomorrow. And on a side note...any man who will love enough to operate on your big toe is GOOD MAN!

Our dogs were with us for the weekend, too, as well as Tucker, my sister's puppy who now weighs in at 60 pounds. Yesterday was "dog day" and we took them out on a boat ride to a beach near our house for a bit of play in the lake water. They loved it and Jake and Lucy slept all the way home and all last night. I think they would definitely live at the lake if they could.

Fourth of July was fantastic and here's to a week with NO INJURIES! :)