Thursday, June 30, 2011

And We're Having...

A baby boy!

We could very clearly see that we will be welcoming a boy into our family at our ultrasound on Tuesday. I was a little shocked, to be honest, because girls are so prevalent in my family (my dad and his siblings had 8 GIRLS among them...and two more girls have joined the family as grandchildren). I had also spent a lot of time perusing the sweet girl's clothes, nursery bedding, and had the furniture picked out.

After momentarily freaking out, I calmed down and enjoyed seeing our little guy on the big (ultrasound) screen. He is a wiggle worm already! He also didn't want us to catch his heartbeat...every time the technician would press down to get it, he would move away! But, she did finally catch him and he has a very healthy heartbeat at 154 bpm and she said it was very rhythmic, which is fantastic news for this worry wart of a mommy. My mom came with us to the appointment and she was thrilled to learn that she would be having a grandson. Everyone is thrilled and we are so excited that Brayden and Baby Butler will be only a year and a half apart in age. Hopefully they will be the best of friends.

We registered at Buy Buy Baby after our appointment and spent a couple of hours with a fun scanner picking out all of our baby's new stuff. We are still working on finishing up and will probably register at Target as well, but we have a pretty good grip on the things we do (and don't) need. There are so many things that he will need...I'm really worried about where we're going to be able to put it all. Thankfully, I love to organize, so that's my job right now...ORGANIZING! And that's good because....

We bought the crib and dresser today! And they were both in stock so we literally have a crib in our house right now that we can't do anything with. We are moving our desk out of the sunroom (which we are currently using as an office) and have a sleeper sofa that arrived this week to pick up and move in for Chadee, who is being uprooted out of her room since we only have her a couple of days out of the month. The sunroom is pretty spacious and has a TV and DVD player and will allow her some privacy while she's at our house and some extra room for us, too. But that means cleaning out the office AND the extra bedroom (we have a 2 bedroom house if you haven't figured that out). I hate having my house in disarray and right now, it's pretty much disarrayed!

Amazingly, I also ordered the crib bedding today, too. My husband asked me what I was going to do for the next 5 months since I have everything picked out. My answer was...CLEAN.

Baby boy, we are excited to meet you!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Today my baby is an avacado and, according to, he/she is starting to be able to hear me. Bless it. Dear Baby, I promise that I won't ever embarass you in front of your friends by singing. But right now...well, you're stuck with me being your personal Taylor Swift. Hopefully I won't ruin a love of music for you.

Yesterday I went out and purchased our first motherload of diapers/wipes. Actually, it wasn't really a motherload, but I spent a nice $95. And then cried. Not really, but I did spend $95. Babies R Us was running a promotion to get a $15 gift card for every 2 boxes of Pampers and 1 box of wipes. So I did it. I got quite a few dipes/wipes, but after posting my issue with the ginormous amount of money, I realized the error of my ways via facebook posts. Evidently, name brand diapers aren't worth the $$$ and a lot of my friends (and my sister-in-law) use the Wal-Mart brand diapers. Okay, here's my secret. I really hate Wal-Mart. I can deal with the secret Wal-Mart because it's secret, but any other Wal-Mart makes me want to have a nervous breakdown. I'm more of a Target girl. A friend of mine at work (who is also a Target girl), told me that their brand of diapers was pretty good and I went online to the reviews and that was confirmed. What was also confirmed was getting the same amount of diapers for $15 LESS than Pampers.

Really, I don't know what's going to work until Baby gets here, BUT I am planning on stocking up on some different brands and saving receipts (after checking the return policy, of course) because I don't want to run out of diapers at 3 am and make Chad go get some more. Because I would totally do that. I'm also planning on trying to get back on the coupon band wagon. I've been reading more and more about how people are saving and it's really ridiculous not to at least give it another go. We've been spending WAY too much money on eating out and stupid, random things. It's my goal to buckle down! Well, after my major shopping trip on Tuesday of course. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Did you know that entire web pages and chapters of books are dedicated to helping you find the right stroller? I sure as heck didn't until I got pregnant and suddenly all things baby became sooo much more interesting than anything else in the world. I have literally spent HOURS researching strollers. Guess what? No matter how much research you do, the best way to figure out the stroller riddle is to go to a baby superstore ( I must recommend Buy Buy Baby because they have about a million strollers to try out) WITH a mama who has had a baby within the last 2 years to help you. And your husband, too, if he's game. A website alone is not going to help. You have got to touch, lift, roll, and curse the stroller face to face before you come to a final decision.

Which is what I did on Saturday. My sister-in-law came with Chad and me and we hit up BBB. When I say they have pretty much every stroller known to man, I am not lying. They have everything from Graco Travel Systems to $1000 Stokke's and Bugaboo's. Did I mention that pre-baby I was convinced I was going to buy a Bugaboo? Oh how seriously deluded I was! Bless my heart!

So while we were looking and getting more and I was getting more and more frustrated and confused, the manager of BBB (who, as a matter of fact has no kids of her own - I asked) came over and started trying to sell me on a Britax B-Ready. It's a big stroller, turns well, has tons of storage, 14 different configurations, and weighs approximately 12,000 lbs. I knew that this stroller was going to drive me crazy and possibly contribute to back issues in the future, but the manager went on and on about how great it was.
 I could tell my SIL was not completely sold because she wasn't jumping up and down over it, but she did a great job of being supportive as I contemplated the $700+ it would cost for the stroller and car seat. Chad was also contemplating and turning a little white at the idea of such a huge expense. Luckily for all of us, the BBB manager went away and the manager of the stroller section mosied on over. To be honest, I didn't want to talk to him at first. He's was a man, obviously not a mom, and probably had no idea what he was talking about. Yeah, this guy saved my back and our pocketbook. Instead of trying to upsell me on some ginormous stroller that I didn't need, he showed me what his family used. The Baby Jogger City Mini stroller which I believe to be the most ingenious invention ever. One hand fold up. Less than 20 lbs. And it was about half the cost of the other stroller.
Not only did Stroller Manager Guy introduce me to the coolest stroller option ever, he mentioned that Britax was coming out with their own version, which was compatible with the Britax car seat that I wanted to buy. So no adapter needed with this new stroller. Even though they didn't have it in the store, he let me know it was coming out soon. He didn't have to because he could see on my face that I would buy the City Mini right then and there. But unlike crazy BBB manager and her love of heavy things, he was honest with me. And I knew I had found a winner because my SIL really did start jumping up and down. Even Chad was excited.

And I have just written an entire post on finding a stroller. Wow.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Well, the prayers worked because I landed safely in Greenville on Wednesday night. I was so exhausted from 36 hours worth of travel, but my sweet husband was waiting for me and made my exhaustion just disappear! (Not really, but I was so glad to see him!)
And I have great news...

Chad received and accepted a job offer Wednesday! It is such a "God thing" - I can't explain it any other way. It was very quick (they called him for an interview the day before) and it is with a great school close to our house. The other schools were anywhere from 30-45 minutes away and this one is 15 minutes away. With the lack of teaching jobs and the amount of great teachers out there looking, I am so very thankful for all the prayers that came our way for Chad to received this opportunity. Prayer works!

In baby news...I am 15 weeks and 1 day. Only one more (full) week before we find out if we're having a boy or girl. I can barely stand it and am so looking forward to being able to buy baby clothes and order the furniture, bedding, and glider. I received a belated birthday gift on Wednesday (it was a GREAT DAY), so I'm stashing it back for baby goodies. I'm still feeling good, but have been having some weird back pain. I'm pretty sure it's sciatica, which I have learned means that the baby is pretty much pressing on your sciatic nerve. It makes your butt and legs go numb (check) and can even cause limited mobility (check). I hobble like an old woman every time I get out of bed. I have an appointment with a chiropracter on Tuesday, so hopefully he can help out. There are about a million and one things about pregnancy that happen that NO ONE tells you about!

Anyway...TGIF! Happy Father's Day to the fathers in my life and to yours, too!

Monday, June 13, 2011

First Baby Gifts & Flying High...

My 28th birthday was such a blessing. I went to lunch with my very good friend, Leslie, and then made a Hobby Lobby trip and picked up a sampler for the baby's room to cross stitch. My grandmother made one for me and it was framed in my room and I thought I would like to do the same for Baby. I did have to work, but I scooted out early to enjoy some time with my husband and his mad baking skills...
Homemade Hershey's chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese icing! SCORE! (And no, ladies, he isn't available to do any baking for you - he's all mine!)

After trying not to devour the entire cake, we met up with Mom & David and had some of the best steak I've ever had at Ruth's Chris. It was truly delicious, even though I didn't get to have any wine (okay, I had ONE sip - "judge not, lest ye be judged" and it was also my birthday). I got a very, very generous birthday gift from them and we had a great dinner hanging out and talking and Mom told me my birth story like she does every year. This year it really meant a lot to hear because I am about to become a mother. I'm so thankful to have her as my guide through all this!

We made it to my dad & step-mom's house after dinner (late though it was) and got to spend some time with them. I also got my first baby gifts and the cutest maternity dress and a Christian baby book,which I loved reading over the weekend. Seeing the baby things made this pregnancy even more real to me and I am so appreciative of such an amazing support system. Baby Butler got some sweet socks, a tiny lamb rattle, and this play gym. It was like a mini baby shower! My step-mom is precious. She is so excited about becoming a grandmother and, since my baby sister is only 5, she has saved so many nice toys and things from when Gracie was little that we won't have to buy. And speaking of Gracie - that child is SO EXCITED to become an aunt. She really wants the baby to be a boy, but if it's a girl she wants it to be named "Kaylee." I think she's excited to have someone to boss around since I'm always bossing her around. :) She likes to kiss my belly and talk to the baby.

Friday, I got my gray hairs covered and we went to see "Super 8" at the movies. Such a good movie!

Saturday we lazed around and I got started on my cross stitching. So far so good, but it's going to take a while to finish.

Yesterday, we headed to Lake Keowee and spent the day with my mom and David. We ended the weekend with a cook out at Chad's mom's last night. Did I mention that my nephew Brayden is adorable? He entertained us so much last night!

Sooo....after such a busy weekend, here comes the work week. I have to have an overnight trip to Texas tomorrow, which involves flying and I'm scared to death. I hate flying. And unfortunately, I can't take any happy pills on this flight (or drink any Bloody Mary's), so I'll have to go at it cold turkey. Let's just say that a few prayers directed my way would be much appreciated!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My next 28 years

Today is my 28th birthday. I am definitely in the twilight of my 20's and even though I have loved every minute of this decade, I am looking forward to the future. On my way to work this morning (UGH - WORK ON YOUR BIRTHDAY SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!), I started thinking about all the things that have happened over the last decade of my life. I was pretty amazed at all the changes that had taken place. In the past 10 years, I:

- Graduated high school
- Went to the beach for the first time with my friends and no parents (aka Senior Week)
- Began college at the College of Charleston
- Watched my parents divorce and begin dating new people
- Met my future step-dad & step-mom
- Saw my childhood home sold (that song, The House That Built Me makes me cry)
- Dropped out of the College of Charleston
- Moved back to Greenville
- Enrolled in North Greenville and started a new college (and changed my major)
- Saw my parents get remarried
- Moved back in with my mom
- Turned 21
- Got my first "real" job
- Graduated from college
- Bought my first car
- Got a new job
- Moved in with my boyfriend (yes, we lived in sin)
- Got another new job
- Got engaged to that boyfriend
- Got married
- Got pregnant (and will have a baby while I am 28!)

Of course there are tons of little things that aren't listed that have made this past decade wonderful and heart breaking and life changing. I have lost family members, but gained some too. I have met people who have changed my life, opened doors for me professionally, and been there with me to sip a glass of wine and laugh with me. I have let go of old friendships and welcomed new ones. I guess you can say in that this has been the decade of growing up.

Ten years ago, on my 18th birthday, I was at Myrtle Beach celebrating my graduation from high school and being a "grown up" finally. Little did I know that it would take much more than turning a certain number to be considered "grown." It takes time, failure, success, and a few stray gray hairs that have to be covered up every six weeks - I'm going tomorrow as a matter of fact.

I am not the same person I was 10 years ago and thank God for that. I hope that I am a different person 10 years from now, when I celebrate my 38th birthday. I hope that I continue to become a grown up, continue to grow as a person, and continue to be so blessed with such a great life.

Happy birthday to me! :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feelin' Hot Hot Hot

Week 14 will be upon us tomorrow, which is also my 28th birthday. I'm excited to be celebrating with my family, both here and in my belly. Hopefully the baby will enjoy the birthday meal from Ruth's Chris that I'll be eating. So excited about eating there!

So this past weekend was hotter than hell. Luckily, I spent both Saturday and Sunday around a body of water - Saturday at my mother-in-law's pool and Sunday at my mom & step-dad's condo at Lake Keowee. I really wanted to tan my legs, but honestly, I have to either be submerged in the water or inside in the air conditioning. There is no "laying out" at this point, in this heat. I know that summer isn't even technically here yet and it's just going to get hotter. Awesome. I love SC in the summer, but we do not know what dry heat is. All of our heat is water based and you pretty much have to be wrung out when spending more than 30 seconds outside. My body temperature is higher than normal, too, so that makes everything just a little bit more dramatic. Lately, all I've wanted to do is lay around and eat Edy's Fruit Bars and complain about the heat. I plan on doing that all summer, just FYI.

We find out if Baby Butler is a girl or a boy in just 20 days and I am getting so excited! I keep getting asked if I have a "feeling" as to what I'm going to have and honestly, I don't. The only "feeling" I have is that the baby is perched upon my bladder and it feels like I have swallowed a bowling ball most of the time. However, I have been eyeing some VERY cute baby clothes lately and most of them have been girl things. I haven't purchased anything yet, but I got REALLY REALLY close, especially this week when I saw the cutest little Christmas dress marked down at Gymboree from $40 to $7. I didn't do it though. But honestly, all bets are off come June 28th because I'm headed to the mall right after the ultrasound! I'm also planning on hitting up some of the upcoming consignment sales in our area because I've been told by many seasoned mamas that consignment is the way to go, especially for infants and toddlers. Since I seem to be partial to smock dresses that run $70-100 a pop, I will be at the consignment sales with bells on!

So...I guess this is bye bye 27 and cheers to 28!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dog Days...

Did I mention that I adore my dogs? I don't know if I have...lately. Jake, our Lab/Dane mix turned 4 in May and Lucy, our Carolina Dog will turn 3 in August. They were our first "children" that have yet to grow up. Except they poop outside and don't talk back.

Chad and I really dote on the two of them. I can't begin to tell you how much money we've spent on a $60 pound puppy and a freebie found on the side of the road. But I can honestly say that every penny spent on them is worth it because they are so precious. They have been especially clingy to me since I found out that I was expecting. They are clingy anyway, but the two of them literally follow me everywhere, even the bathroom. I guess that's good practice for kids, too! Both of them are spoiled rotten and think they are little people. And I guess we've made them that way.

Jake curled up on my side of the bed...

What happens when your parents are bored? They dress you up...

Lucy, who goes into the guest room (now Chadee's room, soon to be Baby Butler's room) when she needs to feel "girlie"

Even though Lucy doesn't like to share, she loves her Jake to pieces...and I think he feels the same way...