Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Wave

This has been such an exciting week for us. Chad graduated (magna cum laude, let me add) on Tuesday. He is the offical holder of a Bachelor's Degree and I could not be more proud. I would say that him going to school full time was easy as pie, but that would be a lie. It's been a hard couple of years, emotionally and finacially. There were many, many times when I thought (and said) how much easier it would be on everyone if he just found a job and forgot school. But my husband is the patient, perservering one in the relationship and I am so thankful for that. His work has paid off and I know that he is going to be an excellent teacher.

I believe that Baby Butler believes that, too. We got to see Baby B on Monday at our first OB appointment. The baby is healthy and thriving, although a little bit younger than I had originally calculated. I am 9 weeks pregnant today, instead of 11 weeks! Our due date has been moved from Thanksgiving week to December 8 - our Christmas miracle. As we were watching our little tadpole, he/she stuck an arm out and waved to us! I took that as a personal congratulations to Baby B's Baby Daddy. The little booger moved around the whole time and we heard the heart beating, which was amazing.

I was disappointed that my due date calculations were off because it feels like I'm moving backwards instead of forwards, but I have been so blessed during this pregnancy. I started on some prenatal vitamins (Flintstones are a thing of the past!) and I feel like they have increased my energy levels and even helped with the insane amount of hunger I was feeling. Even though I function better with a nap, I can also function without one. Amazing! I have not graduated to maternity gear yet, but a shout out to my sister-in-law who unloaded her whole maternity wardrobe on me last night. I am so thankful for her!

Even though it's unbelievable to me that there is a baby on the way, it's starting to become more and more real and less and less shocking. I'm still terrified, but know that this is part of God's plan for us. So thankful for a healthy baby!

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