Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I used to be a major clothes horse. This was like, before marriage and such. I was all about the name brands and was proud that I could easily wear a 4 or a 6 and would spend MAJOR cash (or credit) on anything that caught my fancy. The metal pole in my closet actually BROKE at my parent's house because I had so many clothes on it. I was seriously proud of my closet.

These days, the sizes have gone up and the brands have gone down. There are even some hand me downs about to make an apperance in my teeny married and pregnant closet. My how the times have changed and the mighty have fallen!

My body has done some serious changing in the past 3, going on 4 months and it will keep on changing, hopefully changing back to a svelte figure come mid-December - March. I put it off and put it off, but yeserday I finally threw my hands up and decided to just embrace that section of the store called "Maternity." My sister-in-law gave me her entire maternity wardrobe and she has some nice pieces. However...she had a March baby and I'm going to have a December baby. You do the math. I will have some cute fall outfits to wear, but the weather in 'ole SC is hot as hades and it's only the end of May. The few regular dresses that will support my blooming belly are just that...a few. And unfortunately, my company frowns on wearing yoga pants (even though honestly, I think they should make an exception. I sit at a computer. Who would even see the yoga pants?).

I decided to begin my maternity wardrobe at Old Navy. I am an avid Old Navy shopper and have been told by many of my mommy friends that they have good maternity stuff. And they were right (aren't mommies always right?). Not only did they have some cute stuff, they had some cute stuff on sale! I did go a little crazy, but I'm happy with what I got for the amount I spent.

I have to be honest...I am so ready to find out what if the tadpole will be wearing a pink bow or a blue hat so I can go shopping for them! I think that will be MUCH more fun than the maternity section!

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