Thursday, August 25, 2011

25 Weeks!

25 weeks today...only 15 more until 40 weeks (hopefully he won't want to hang out in there that long) and only about 5 more baby books to read, a nursery to paint and accessorize, 3 baby showers to enjoy, numerous thank you cards to write, and the upcoming holiday season to prepare for. Thank you, Lord, for Zoloft! In all seriousness, I am overwhelmingly blessed by such great family and friends. They've already done so much in preparation and celebration of Hudson's arrival.

Yesterday was another ultrasound day and Hudson finally cooperated and let us see his heart - which is JUST FINE! I was so concerned because they couldn't get a clear picture at the last appointment. My baby boy is growing and is healthy and I am so thankful. I also told the u/s tech that his heart looked like a talking tomato. I think she thinks I'm a little crazy. But it does.

AND in nursery news:
We are still waiting on our glider to arrive from the factory and have yet to paint the nursery. I feel so slack. But I have been finding some amazing ideas that I want to use like this:
I really love the wall decor over the crib and am pretty much going to copy it, including using moulding to make a "frame" around the shelves and letter. Actually, Chad is going to do that with his miter saw. He's handy.

I also found an artist on Etsy who is absolutely amazing and just sent me my finished product - a custom ABC painting that will hang over Hudson's dresser/changing table. She did this painting within a week to coordinate with our PB Kids nursery bedding and it turned out so well. I can't wait to hang it! For more of her product listings, go to her Etsy shop, Owen & The Princess. This painting is huge - a 24x30 for about $100. Can't beat it!
(See his name on the "h" block? Love!!!)

Have a great week/week end!

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