Thursday, September 8, 2011

Whoa. I'm in the 3rd trimester.

It seems like yesterday I was freaking out, peeing on a stick and finding out that I was pregnant and today I find myself in the third trimester. Only 13 more weeks - and that's if Hudson goes full term. Holy sh*t. Sorry, it's just a little overwhelming.

The big stuff is done in the nursery (see pics below) and now it's all about the accessories! I will add some more pictures after we're all finished.

My first baby shower is next week - thanks to my sweet work friends who are throwing it. I'm so excited!

Chad and I had a very low key anniversary this year. My present was roses, chocolate, and him painting the nursery and creating the wall feature over the crib. His present was a card and me growing his son. We also had take out Italian. Honestly, both of us are so exhausted between work and keeping up with the house that all we wanted was a little sleep! We are planning on going out of town (without baby) next year when the funds are not wrapped up with a blue bow. :) Both of us feel that putting our marriage first and kids second is the key to a successful family (with God at the forefront, of course).

At 27 weeks, Hudson is:

- showing signs of brain activity (we've already gotten his Clemson application ready - ha!)
- is breathing amniotic fluid (which I still don't understand - how is that possible? Am I birthing a fish?)
- is opening and closing his eyes (I think)
- is kicking the crap out of me
- is making my stomach go through some crazy contortions and that has become my nightly entertainment

At 27 weeks, I:

- am bigger than a house
- have a weird pain in my upper inner thigh that makes me feel like I have a trick leg
- have awful heartburn/acid reflux
- have not had a good night's sleep for several nights now. It may be time to break out the Tylenol PM.
- is sure that my bladder is going to be permanently damaged from Hudson kicking it
- knows where all the bathroom are within a 5 mile radius
- have peed on myself a little if I try to hold it. There is no more "holding it."
- am so thankful for my little family!

1 comment:

  1. You cracked me up with the trick leg comment! And sadly, your bladder never will be the same. Ever since I had Knox, I have to pee twice as often as I did before. Now that I'm pregnant again, it's even worse than the first time! It's worth it, though!

    The nursery wall art your husband made is awesome!
