Thursday, May 19, 2011

Snoogle Me

So I'm still feeling good and I am 11 weeks today - the first trimester is about to be a distant memory and I am excited about all the fun the second trimester will bring. I think the second trimester will be the most fun, honestly. You get to feel the baby move, find out what the baby is, and start shopping and decorating without the responsibility of actually taking care of said baby. The third trimester will just be me in a virtual state of panic, I'm sure. Also, my child was compared to the size of a lime on I wonder when we will graduate to vegetables?

Things going on with us (me) at the moment:

1. I am IN LOVE with my pregnancy pillow, the Snoogle. I bought it right after I got pregnant and tried to use it while I had strep, but was so uncomfortable in general that I banished it to another room. After a few days of random insomnia this past week, I decided to give it another try. HEAVEN is a SNOOGLE. I hope our love affair lasts and would like the opportunity to pimp out the Snoogle to any other pregnant peeps out there. Go buy it.

2. I crave cereal and milk. I wish I could eat it 24/7 and have been all about some Honey Bunches of Oats. Last week it was Honey Nut Cheerios, before that Corn Flakes with bananas, and before THAT, Frosted Mini Wheats. I have no idea what will come after HBoO.

3. Sometimes my prenatal vitamin makes me gag. It has a wierd after taste, which goes away. I was told it was the amount of iron in the pill. Also, the bathroom at work makes me gag and Chad saying "rotten" almost made me vomit. SO STRANGE. 

4. I think my dogs know I'm pregnant. I don't know how they know, but I just think they know something is up. Jake follows me around more than usual (we live in a 1200 sq ft house, so I'm never really away from Jake, but if I'm not RIGHTTHERE, he will come find me. He also like to stretch out right beside me and sleep. Bless him.

5. I think I have decided on a crib set if it's a girl. Not so sure about the boy set yet. And don't even get me started on bedding/paint color/decorations. I am totally lost.

Also, I am wearing a maternity dress today, but it doesn't look like a maternity dress. I feel like it's too early to break out the maternity clothes, but my work pants are getting rather tight, so I'm focused on dresses at the moment. Which means I need to shave my legs all the time. I didn't shave my legs today.

Annnd that's about it. OH - Mother's Day...I actually got a present! My sweet husband bought me a gift certificate for a prenatal massage at Urban Nirvana! I will be using that sucker some time in the next few months! :)

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