Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's a Thursday and the only true redeeming factor of my day was getting to eat lunch with Chad and knowing that today is my last day of the work week - tomorrow is AN OFF DAY!

My body hurts from Crossfit last night, as does my husband's - those wall balls and box jumps will kick your butt! We have been able to join a local Crossfit affiliate, thanks to a certain benefactor who will remain nameless, and both of us are looking forward to reaping the benefits of hard work. We fell into the whole, "get married, get fat" stereotype and are paying for it by being overweight and generally disgusted with ourselves. Both of us feel that the answer lies at Crossfit and somewhere between the sweating and soreness, we are on our way to getting back to the skinny people we really are.

So who are we you are probably asking yourself if you are reading this and not one of our parents...well, we are a pretty normal and boring couple, to be honest, but from time to time, we may have funny stories to tell. Hope you'll come back to hear them.

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