I was so sad to come back from vacation yesterday...actually, again this year we had a "staycation." It was our last week together before Chad started his new job as an 8th grade science teacher, which means that our next time off together will be in December, after Hudson is here. We didn't do a whole lot - we visited my mom & step-dad's new lakehouse on Keowee (which is amazing!), did some things around the house (including finishing Hudson's closet, which looks great!), visited Chad's school to see his room, and watched a whole lot of "Friday Night Lights" on Netflix.
Chad started his new position at the school yesterday and I came back to work. Both of us were pretty tired last night, but are trying to get on a "parent" schedule, instead of just a "married couple" schedule. We ate dinner early, spent some time together, watched some more "Friday Night Lights" and did our "chore" for the evening...I actually made a list of the things we needed to do every night so that cleaning house doesn't get overwhelming or just fall to one person to do, since I don't have a house husband anymore! So we tackled the bathroom together, which was Wednesday night's chore. Tonight it's sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen (like for real, not just putting away dishes), and laundry. I'm hoping that if we get in the habit, our house won't look like a disaster area when Hudson arrives and we're busy with him.
I'm also planning on tackling our den, which is still a hot mess. We still need to take several things to Goodwill (I was planning a yard sale, but couldn't do it) and take some stuff to store to my parents'. Thank goodness that both sets have extra space and are willing to let us use it so we don't have to rent a storage building!
At 23 weeks preggers I:
- am still really really hot and keep watching the weather for any sign of upcoming fall weather
- am convinced that my unborn son is hiding from his daddy...every time he starts kicking, I put Chad's hand on my belly and then Hudson stops moving around...little stinker!
- feel that Hudson's movements are more pronounced and he's continued his "schedule" of moving. I feel him every day.
- have a weird love for soft drinks...I've never been a big soft drink fan, but lately, I just love fizzy drinks. I'm trying to only indulge in diet, though.
- keep rubbing my belly like its my own personal genie
- chew ice a lot (yes, I'm taking iron supplemented prenatal vitamins - I'm just hot, y'all!)
- am super emotional and a little moody...okay a lot moody!
- am in mostly maternity clothes, with a few pre-preggers dresses still hanging in my closet!
- Hudson is the size of a mango this week and he evidently he can hear and distingish my voice from Chad's - AMAZING!